30 seconds to nothing

Running, everything flies by. People running around. "30 seconds to detonation!" Everything goes faster and slower. The people, the turtles, the women, the men, physically going faster. But in my mind eveything slows down. I think of the moments, the happy moments, throwing ball with my mum, cooking with my dad. "10 seconds to detonation!" I had a twisted youth, it made me a twisted mind, it started with salting snails, it steadily grew to tearing cats apart. After the first few humans it stopped the hurting. "3" Everything goes fast again. "2" It's back to normal. "1" The voices are back, the sound returns, and then...

Dit soort blaadjes vind je in je kamer als je opruimt, waarom ik dit geschreven heb? Ab-so-luut geen idee.
28 feb 2012 - bewerkt op 28 feb 2012 - meld ongepast verhaal
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