34075Y25 TheLastDaysofDeath Agitprop Nepnieuws ed.

THE 21ST century
humans are likely to make a serious bid for immortality?
Struggling against old age & death will merely carry on the time-
honoured fight against famine and disease, & manifest the supreme value
of contemporary culture: the worth of human life!
We are constantly reminded that human life is THE most sacred thing in the whole universe.
Everybody says this: teachers in schools, politicians in parliament, lawyers in courts & actors
on theatre stages. The Universal Declaration of Human Righs adopted by the UN after the IInd
World War - which is perhaps the closest thing we have to a global institution - categorically
states that 'the right to life' is humanity's most fundamental value! Since death clearly violates
this right, death is a crime against humanity, and we ought to wage total war against it?
Throughout history, religions & ideologies did not sanctify life itself. They always sanctified
something above or beyond earthly existence, and were consequently quite tolerant of death.
Indeed, some of them have been downright fond of the Grim Reaper! Because Christianity,
Islam & Hinduism insisted that the meaning of our existence depended on our fate in the afterlife,
they viewed death as a vital & positive part of the world!
Humans died because "God" decreed it, & their moment of death was a sacred metaphysical
experience exploding with meaning. When a human was about to breathe his last, this was the time
to call priests, rabbi's & shamans, to draw out the balance of life, & to embrace One's true Role
in the Universe?! Just try to imagine Christianity, Islam or Hinduism in a world without death - which
is also a world without heaven, hell or reincarnation. Als ik onze kosten voor levensonderhoud bereken
dan zijn gas & elektra ongeveer €4 per etmaal, eten & drinken 2x zoveel, water, eten/drinken, belastingen,
ziekenfonds, onderhoud, goede doelen & die Turkse beruchte tvschurk van MolliePayments, boetes & diversen,
dan moet dat alles van minder dan €1500 per maand voor twee personen: armer KÀN haast niet dankzij die
Verruttingen der nl-Maatschappij; levenslang hard werk + wàt al niet: wat krijg je ervoor terug?
Iets wat ònder 't minimum is ÈN veel chroom overal, vuilstortplaatsen, Royal Families, politiecorruptie,
Friendly Fires, misdaad, epidemieën, verrechtsing & massamediagezeur dat barst v/d reclame/advertenties
dag & nacht overal & altijd PLUS die zotte wervingstelefoontjes... Kamp Erica en kamp Vledder, ambtenaren
omringd door paarse criminele krokodillen & verkiezingen voor Jan Lul & Kaatje Kut. Dank U,
eerste & tweede nlkamers, kolonialisme, slavernij,
neoprut & onze Mark die
legio kletspraatjes
05 mrt 2019 - bewerkt op 08 mrt 2019 - meld ongepast verhaal
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Profielfoto van Asih
Asih, man, 79 jaar
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