34115 YuNoHa Ho De: Consider Professional Careers
and than spend the rest of your life in thàt line of work? You obviously learn new things
even in your forties and fifties, but life is generally divided into a learning period followed by a working period!
When you live to be 150 thàt won't do, especially in a world that is constantly being shaken by new technologies.
People will have much longer careers, & wìll háve to reinvent themselves again & again even at the age of 90...
At the same time, people will not retire at 65 & will not make way for the new generation with ìts novel ideas &
aspirations. The physicist Max Planck famously said that science advances one funeral at a time. He meant that
only when generation passes away dó new theories have a chance to root out old ones. This is true not only for
science. Think for a moment about your own workplace. No matter whether you are a scholar, journalist, cook or
football player, how would you feel if your boss were 120, his ideas were formulated when Victoria was still queen
& he was likely to stay your boss for a couple of decades more? In the political sphere the results might be even
more sinister. Would yóu mìnd having PUTIN [& Trump] stick around for another 90 years? On second thoughts,
ìf people lived to 150, then in 2020 Stalin would still be ruling in Moscow, going strong at 142, Chairman MAO,
would be a middle aged 127-year-old, and Princess Elizabeth would be sitting on hér hands waiting to inherit from
the 125-year-old George VI. While her son Charles would not get his turn until 2080?! Coming back to the realm
of reality, it is far from certain whether Kurzweil's & de Grey's prophecies will come through by 2050 or 2100!?
My own view is that the hopes of eternal youth in the twenty-first century are premature, & whoever takes them
too seriously is in for a bitter disappointment! It is not easy to live knowing that you are going to die, but it is
even harder to believe in immortality and be proven wrong...
Ouwe Mòr droomt zich elke nacht 'n scifihoedje?
Asih, man, 79 jaar
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