34206'45HomoDeus TheNewHumanAgenda Another Example
In 2011, 3.5 million American schoolchildren were taking medications
for ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder). In the UK the number rose
from 92,000 in 1997 to 786,000 in 2012. The original aim had been to treat attention disorders,
but today completely healthy kids take such medications to improve their performance and live up
to the growing expectations of teachers and parents!? Many object to this development and argue
that the problem lies with the education system rather than with the children. If pupils suffer from
attention disorders, stress and low grades, perhaps we ought to blame outdated methods, óver-
crowded classrooms and an unnaturally fast tempo of life! Maybe we should modify the schools
rather than the kids? It is interesting to see how the arguments have evolved... People have been
quarreling about education methods for thousands of years. Whether in ancient China or Victorian
Britain, everybody had his or her pet method, and vehemently opposed all alternatives. Yet hither-
to everybody still agreed on one thing: in order to approve education, we need to change the schools
& today, for the first time in history, at least some people think it would be more efficient to change
the pupils' biochemistry. Also our armies are heading the same way: 12% of American soldiers in f.i.
Iraq & 17% of American soldiers in Afghanistan took either sleeping pills or antidepressants to hèlp
thèm deal with the pressure & distress of wàr: fear, depression & trauma are not caused by shells,
booby traps or car bombs! They áre caused by hormones, neurotransmitters & neural networks...
Two soldiers may find themselves shoulder to shoulder in the same ambush; one will freeze in terror,
lose his wits & suffer from nightmares for years after the event; the other will charge forward coura-
geously & win a medal! The difference is in the soldiers' biochemistry, & if we find ways to control it
we will at one stroke produce both happier soldiers & more efficient armies? The biochemical pursuit
of happiness is also thé number òne cause of crime in the world......
Asih, man, 79 jaar
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