34401 Y76 Homo Sapiens Does Its Best To Forget ...
And it is doubly important to remember
our origins at a time when we seek to turn ourselves into gods?
No investigation of our divine future can ignore our own animal past, or our relations
with other animals - because the relationship between humans and animals is the best model
we have for future relations between superhumans and humans! You want to know how super-
intelligent cyborgs might treat ordinary flesh-and-blood humans? Better start by investigating
how humans treat thèir lèss intelligent animal cousins! It's not a perfect analogy, of course,
but it is the best archetype we càn actually observe rather than just imagine?!! Based on the
conclusions of this first part, the second part of the book examines the bizarre world Homo
Sapiens has created in the last millennia, and the path that took us to our present crossroads.
How dìd Homo Sapiens come to believe in the humanist creed, according to which the universe
revolves around humankind and humans are the source of all meaning and authority? What áre
the economic, social & political implications òf thìs crééd? How does it shape our daily life, our
art and our most secret desires? The third & last part of the book comes back to the early 21st
century. Based on a much deeper understanding of humankind and of the humanist creed, ìt
describes our current predicament and our possible future! Why might attemps to fulfil huma-
nism result in its downfall? How would the search for immortality, bliss & divinity shake the
foundations of our belief in humanity? What signs foretell this cataclysm, and how is it ré-
flected in the day-to-day decisions each of us makes? And ìf humanism is indeed in danger,
what might take its place? This part of the book does not consist of mere philosophising or
idle future-telling! Rather, it scrutinises our smartphones, dating practices & job market for
clues of things to come..
Asih, man, 79 jaar
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