34429 Y91 Ancestral Needs: the Bible, along with ~
was one of the by-products of the Agricultural Revolution,
which initiated a new phase in human-animal relations. The Advent
of Farming produced New Waves of Mass Extinctions, but more importantly,
it created a completely New Life FORM ON EARTH: domesticated animals ... Initially this development
was still of minor importance, since humans managed to domesticate fewer than 20 species of mammals
& birds, compared to the countless thousands of species that remained 'wild'?! Yet with the passing of the
centuries, this novel life form became dominant!? Today more than 90% of all large animals are already
domesticated? Alas, domesticated species paid for their unparalleled collective success with unprecedented
individual suffering! Although the animal kingdom has known many types of pain and misery for millions of
years, the Agricultural Revolution generated completely new kinds of suffering, that only became worse over
time? To the casual observer domesticated animals may seem much better off than their wild cousins and
ancestors. Wild boars spend their days searching for food, water and shelter, and are constantly threatened
by lions, parasites & floods. Domesticated pigs, in contrast, enjoy food, water & shelter provided
by humans, who also treat their diseases & protect them against predators & natural disasters.
True, most pigs sooner or later find themselves in the slaughterhouse. Yet does that make
their fate any worse than the fate of wild boars? Is it better to be devoured by a lion
than slaughtered by màn? Are crocodile
teeth less deadly
than steel
Asih, man, 79 jaar
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