34457 Y95 Today Most Sows In Industrial Farms.....
They are locked by their human masters
in tiny gestation crates, usually measuring two metres by sixty centimetres?
These crates have a concrete floor and metal bars, and hardly allow the pregnant sows
even to turn around or sleep on their side, never mind wàlk! After three & a half months in such conditions,
the sows are moved to slightly wider crates, where they give birth & nurse their piglets! Whereas piglets would
naturally suckle for ten to twenty weeks, in industrial farms they are forcibly weaned within 2 to 4 weeks,
separated from their mother & shipped to be fattened & slaughtered! The mother is immediately impregnated
again, and sent back to the gestation crate to start another cycle. The typical sow would go through 5 to 10 of
sùch cycles before being slaughtered herself?!! In recent years the use of crates has been restricted in the
European Union ànd some US states, but the crates are still commonly used in many other countries, and tens
of millions of breeding sows pass almost their entire lives ìn thèm! The human farmers take care of everything
the sow needs in order to survive and reproduce? She is gìven enough food, vaccinated against diseases,
protected against the elements ànd artificially inseminated. From an objective perspective, the sow no longer
nééds to explóre hèr surroundings, socialise with other pigs, bond with her piglets or éven wàlk? But from a
subjective perspective, the sow still feels very strong urges to do all of these things, and if these urges are nòt
fulfilled shé sùffers greatly. Sows locked in gestation crates typically display acute frustration alternating with
extreme despair! These highly social & intelligent beings spend most of théir líves ìn Thìs Condition, as if they
were already sausages? Thìs ìs thé básic lèsson of evolutionary psychology: a need shaped thousands of gene-
rátions ago continues to be felt subjectively even ìf ìt ìs nó lònger necessary for survival & reproduction in the
present! Tragically, the Agricultural Revolution gáve humans the power to ensure the survival & reproduction of
domesticated animals while ignoring their subjective needs? Fascisms/nazisms a.s.o. represent such 'deals' worldwide!!!
Asih, man, 79 jaar
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