34462 Y101 In Order To Transmit Genes To The Next



Animals also need to solve reproduction problems too,
and this depends on calculating probabilities. Natural selection
evolved passion and disgust as quick algorithms for evaluating reproduction odds...

Beauty means 'good chances
for having successful offspring'! When a woman sees a man and thinks, 'Wow!
He is gorgeous!' and when a peahen sees a peacock & thinks, 'Jesus! What a tail!' they are doing something
similar to the automatic vending machine. As light reflected from the male's body hits their retinas, extremely
powerful algorithms honed by millions of years of evolution kick in. Within a few milliseconds the algorithms
convert tiny cues in the male's external appearance into reproduction probabilities, and reach the conclusion:
'In all likelihood, this is a very healthy and fertile male, with excellent genes. If I mate with him,
my offspring are also likely to enjoy good health and excellent genes!'

Of course, this conclusion is not spelled out in words or numbers,
but in the fiery itch of sexual attraction. Peahens & móst women, don't make such calculations
with pen & paper. They just feel them? Even Nobel laureates in economics make only a tiny fraction of their
decisions using pen, paper & calculator; 99% of our decisions - including the most important
life choices concerning spouses, careers & habitats - are made
by the highly refined algorithms we call sensations,
emotions & desires.

Take for example a peacock
and a man: when you look at their images
data on proportions, colours & sizes gets processed by your
biochemical algorithms, causing you
to feel attraction,
repulsion or
18 apr 2019 - bewerkt op 21 apr 2019 - meld ongepast verhaal
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Profielfoto van Asih
Asih, man, 79 jaar
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