34829Y149 The Clever Horse: Huisjesmelkersetcetera

IN 2010

They locked a rat in a tiny cage, placed the cage within
a much larger cell and allowed another rat to roam freely through that cell!

The caged rat gave out distress signals, which caused the free rat also to exhibit signs
of anxiety and stress! In most cases, the free rat proceeded to help her trapped companion,
and after several attempts usually succeeded in opening the cage & liberating the prisoner....

The researchers then repeated the experiment, this time placing chocolate inside the cell! The free rat
now had to choose between either liberating the prisoner, òr enjoying the chocolate all by herself? Many rats
preferred to first free their companion and share the chocolate {though quite a few behaved more selfishly, proving
perhaps that some rats are meaner than others}?! Sceptics dismissed these results, arguing that the free rat liberated
the prisoner not out of empathy, but simply in order to stop the annoying distress signals!? The rats were motivated by the
ùnpleasant sensations they felt, and they sought nothing grander than ending these sensations MAYBE... But we could say exactly
the same thing about us humans? When I donate money to a beggar, am I not reacting to the ùnpleasant sensations that the sight of the beggar causes me to feel? Do I really care about the beggar, or do I simply want to feel better myself? In essence, we humans are also not really thàt different from rats, dogs, dolphins or chimpanzees! Like them, we too do have no soul!

Like us, they too have consciousness & a very complex world of sensations & emotions!

And of course, every animal has its unique traits & talents!

Humans too have théir special gifts.

We shouldn't HUMANISE ANIMALS needlessly,
imagining that they are just a bit furrier version of ourselves.

This is not only bad science, but it also prevents us from understanding & valuing other animals on their terms?!

Mor's geboortegrond is al meer dan 'n eeuw in de handen
van huisjesmelkers, meestal brave "christelijk gereformeerde"
z.g. (ex)protestanten & rooms-

waar ooit
'gewone' gezinnen woonden,
man/vrouw/kinderen, zijn steeds meer
opgedeeld i/d wisselend bewoonde 'onbewoonbare'
apartementjes wegens

overal geparkeerd, overvolle
vuilniscontainers die dagenlang & zelfs op zondag
aan & langs de openbare weg staan, dreunende
autoradiootjes, fietsers die al fietsend
hun geliefde kwekmobieltjes hanteren,
geluidsoverlast & de reeksen vluchtelingen
die al meer dan vijftig jaar alsmaar bléven toenemen:
vluchtelingen, gastarbeiders, hoogstmerkwaardige
klederdrachten, zwerfvuil &

De vuiniszakcontainers
stinken als de pest, sirenes loeien, vandalisme
neemt toe, onrust verveelvoudigt via Hadjememaars,
Janmaten, Vierlingen, Gekke Verwilderde Geertjes, Parmantige Pimmen,
Bekakte Cherrykadetjes, vuige Volkerts, mad Mohammads vol van meer/meer &
minder en/of nog minder, nieuwe inburgeringseisen
& uitzettingen, meer verwijderingen,
meer miljonairs/miljardairs,
seizoensgastarbeiders &

12 jun 2019 - bewerkt op 16 jun 2019 - meld ongepast verhaal
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Profielfoto van Asih
Asih, man, 79 jaar
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