Your answers are forwarded to a nurse, who compares them with the hospital's regulations
in order to decide what preliminary tests to give you!? She then measures, say, your bloodpressure & heartrate,
& takes a bloodsample. The doctor on duty examines the initial test results, & follows a strict protocol in
determining which ward to admit you. In the ward you are submitted to much more thorough examinations,
such as an X-ray or an fMRI-scan, mandated by thick medical guidebooks. Specialists then analyze the results
according to well-known statistical databases, deciding whàt medicines to give you or what further tests to run?!
This algorithmic structure ensures that it does not réally màtter whó ìs the receptionist, nurse or doctor on duty!?
Their personality type, their political opinions & their momentary moods are irrelevant. As long as they all follow
the regulations & protocols, they stand a good chance of curing you. According to the algorithmic ideal, your fate
is in the hands of 'the system', & not in the hands of the flesh-&-blood mortals who happen to occupy this or that
post. What's true of hospitals is also true to armies, prisons, schools, corporations - & ancient kingdoms.
Of course ancient Egypt was far less technologically sophisticated than a modern hospital, but the algorithmic
principle was the same. In ancient Egypt too, most decisions were made not by a single wise person, but by a
network of officials linked together through papyri & stone inscriptions. Acting in the name of the living-God
Pharaoh, the network restructured human society and reshaped the natural world. For example,
pharaohs Senusret III & his son Amenemhat III, who ruled Egypt from 1878 BC to 1814 BC,
dug a huge canal linking the Nile to the swamps of the Fayum Valley.
An intricate system of dams, reservoirs & subsidiary canals diverted some of the Nile~waters
to Fayum, creating an immense artificial lake holding 50 billion
cubic meters of water~~~~~