35067 Ynhhd5/208 The Odd Couple: Stories Serve As
As history unfoldec,
stories about gods, nations & corporations
grew so powerful that they began to dominate
objective reality?
Believing in
the great god SOBEK, the Mandate of Heaven or the Bible
enabled people to build Lake Fayum, the Great Wall of China
& Chartres Cathedral!
the blind faith in these stories meant that human efforts frequently focused
on increasing the glory of fictional entities such as gods & nations, instead of bettering the lives
of real sentient beings! Does this analysis still hold true today? At first sight, it seems that modern society
is very different from the kingdoms of ancient AeGYPT or medieval China. Hasn't the rise of modern science
changed the basic rules of the human game? Wouldn't it be true to say that despite the ongoing importance
of traditional myths, modern social systems increasingly rely on objective scientific theories such as the theory
of evolution, which simply did not exist in ancient AeGYPT or medieval China? We could of course argue that
scientific theories are a new kind of myth, and that our belief in science is no different
from "the ancient EGYPTIANS' BELIEF
in the great God SOBEK".
Yet the comparison
doesn't hold water! Sobek existed only
in the collective imagination of his devotees! True, praying to Sobek helped
cement the Egyptian social system, thereby enabling people to build dams & canals that prevented floods
& droughts. Yet these prayers themselves didn't raise or lower the Nile's water in the slightest. In contrast,
scientific theories are not just a way to bind people together. It is often said that God hèlps those who help
themselves. This is a roundabout way of saying that God doesn't exist, but ìf our belief in Him inspires us
to do something ourselves - it helps!? Antibiotics, unlike God,
HÈLP even those who don't
help themselves?!
They cure infections
whether you believe in them or not!
Consequently, the modern world is very different from the premodern world. Egyptian pharaohs &
Chinese emperors failed to overcome famine, plague & war despite millennia of effort! Modern societies
managed to do it within a few centuries. Isn't this the fruit of abandoning inter-subjective myths in favour
of objective scientific knowledge? And can we not expect this process
to accelerate in the coming decades?
As technology
enables us to upgraded humans,
overcome old age & find the key to happiness, won't people
care less about fictional gods, nations and corporations, & focus instead on deciphering the physical &
biological reality? It might seem so, but in fact things are far more complicated! Modern science certainly
changed the rules of the game, yet it did not simply replace myths with facts. Myths continue to dominate
humankind, & science only make these myths stronger. Instead of destroying the intersubjective reality,
science will enable ìt to control the intersubjective reality, science will enable it to control
the objective ÀND subjective realities more completely
than ever before?!!
Thanks to computers
& bioengineering, the difference
between fiction & reality will
blur, as people reshape
reality to match
their pet
Asih, man, 79 jaar
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