35083YHhd214 If You Meet THE Buddha Ìn Yóu Too?!!
and for organising large-scale cooperation may vex those for whom it represents
first and foremost A SPIRITUAL PATH. However, just as the gap between religion and science is narrower
than we commonly think, só the gap between religion & spirituality is much wider! Religion is a deal, whereas
spirituality IS A JOURNEY? Religion gives a complete description of the world, and offers us a well-defined
contract with predetermined goals! "GOD EXISTS! {S}HÉ TOLD US TO BEHAVE IN CERTAIN WAYS! AND ÌF
YOU DISOBEY 'G D', YÓU BÙRN IN HELL!" The very clarity of this deal allows society to define common norms
& values that regulate human behaviour? Spiritual journeys though are nothing like that! They usually take our
people in mysterious ways towards yet totally unknown destinations?! The QUEST usually begins with some big
QUESTION, such as WHO AM I? What is THE MEANING OF LIFE? What is GÓÓD? Whereas most people just
accept the ready-made answers provided by the powers that be, spiritual seekers are not so easily satisfied!
They are determined to follow the big question wherever it leads, and not just to places they know well or wish
to visit. Thus for most people, academic studies are a deal rather than a spiritual journey, because they take us
to a predetermined goal approved by our Elders, Governments & Banks?! "I'll study for three yours, and pass the
exams, get my BA certificate and thus secure a well-paid job!" Academic studies might be transformed into a spi-
ritual journey if the big questions we encounter on the WAY deflect you towards unexpected destinations, of which
you could hardly even conceive at first! For example, a student might begin to study economics in order to secure
a job at Wall Street? However, if what she learns f.i. somehow induces her to end up in a Hindu ashram or helping
HIV patients in Zimbabwe, then we could call thàt a spiritual journey! Why label such a voyage 'spiritual'?
Asih, man, 79 jaar
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