35089Ynhhd221 Take abortion, for example .........
The main bone of contention is factual rather than ethical!?
Both Christians & liberals believe that human life is sacred, and that murder is a heinous crime.
But they disagree about certain biological facts: does human life begin at the moment of conception,
at the moment of birth or at some intermediate pòint? Indeed, some human cultures maintain that life
doesn't begin even after birth! According to the !Kung of the Kalahari Desert and to various Inuit groups
in the Arctic, human life begins only after a baby is given a name. When an infant is born the family waits
for some time before naming it. If they decide not to keep the baby (either because it suffers from some
deformity or because of economic difficulties), they kill it. Provided they do so before the naming cere-
mony, this is not considered murder. People from such cultures MIGHT well agree with liberals and
Christians that human life is sacred & that murder always is a terrible crime, yet condone infanti-
cide?! When religions advertise themselves, they tend to emphasize their beautiful values!? But
'G d' often hides in the fine print of factual statements! The catholic {a.s.o.} religion markets it-
self as THÉ religion of universal love & compassion? How wonderful! Who CÀN objèct to thàt?
Why, then, are not àll húmans Catholic? Because when you read the fine print,
you discover that Catholicism also demands blind obedience to a(ny)
POPE 'who never makes mistakes' even when he orders
his followers to go on crusades &
burn (all?) heretics
at the
Asih, man, 79 jaar
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