35859Ynhhd255 On The Collective Level, The Race...

Whereas social and
political systems previously
endured for centuries, today every generation
destroys the old world and builds
a new one in its place.
As the Communist Manifesto
brilliantly put it, the modern world
positively requires uncertainty & disturbance!
All fixed relations & ancient prejudices are swept away,
& new structures become antiquated before they can ossify? All that is solid melts into air!
It isn't easy to live in such a chaotic world, & it is even harder to govern it?!
Hence modernity needs to work hard to ensure that neither human individuals
nor the human collective will try to retire fròm the ráce,
despite all the tension
& chaos it creates.

09 sep 2019 - bewerkt op 13 sep 2019 - meld ongepast verhaal
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Asih, man, 79 jaar
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