In the Middle Ages art was governed by objective yardsticks
The standards of beauty did not reflect human fads: rather, human tastes were supposed to conform
to superhuman dictates? This made perfect sense in a period when people believed that art was inspired
by superhuman forces rather than by human feelings! The hànds of painters, poets, composers & architects
were supposedly moved by muses, angels & the Holy Spirit. Many a time when a composer penned a beau-
tiful hymn, no credit was given to the composer, for the same reason it was not given to the pen! The pen
was held & directed by human fingers, which in turn were held & directed by the hand of God? The Holy
Spirit, in the guise of a dove, in the Grandes Chroniques de France of 1380, delivers an ampulla full of
sacred for baptism of King Clovis, founder of the Frankish kingdom! According to the founding myth
of France, this ampulla was henceforth kept in Rheims Cathedral, & all subseqient French kings are
anointed with that divine oil at their coronation. Each coronation thus involved a miracle, as the
empty ampulla spontaneously refilled with oil! This indicated that God Himself chose the king &
gave to him His blessing? If God had not wished Louis IX or Louis XIV or Louis XVI to be king,
the ampulla would nòt have béén refilled?! Medieval scholars clung to a classical Greek theo-
ry, according to which the movements of the stars across the sky create heavenly music
that permeates the entire universe... Het heeft wel wat weg van de piratenkoninkrijken
via Radio Noordzee & Veronica, Caransa, John de Mol, Joop Landré & de Flodderfamilie
vol vertrossing, banalisering, verrechtsing, polonaises, volksbijeenkomsten & 'gedoe'?
Heksenvervolgingen & -verbrandingen/-verdrinkingen van ketters, Groene Zootjes &
geuzenbootjes met Eva's & Bernhardino's, voetbalcantines, wedstrijden & gokkerij!
Opfokkerij, kippen- & varkensstallen, koeien, geiten, ganzen, eenden & paarden.
Massaal, ponificaal, kardinaal, bisschoppen, optochten, corso's & de RK heiligen
toeters & bellen, trompetten, trommels, Olivier B. Bommels, Canteclaers &
natuurlijk Donald Duck & Guus Geluk, Kwik, Kwek & Kwak, Sesamstraat,
Oom Dagobert & 't Gróte Dierenbos met Bolke de Beer, Hèt Huisje i/d
Sneeuw, de Boze Koster, Bartje, Manneke Pis, koningshuizen & alle
verwante muizenissen met de Sjah van Perzië, Griekse koningen,
Peron & z'n Evita, Haile Selassi, Paul Krüger, Boerenwagens &
de verering van bommen & granaten, musket & cigaret, Gòd
& Nederland, het Váderland, VOC, WIC, regenten, tulpen-
bollen & hondedrollen, toverkollen, tovenaars, druïden,
Trippeltrappeltrippeltrap, de zak van Sinterklaas & de
Zwarte Piet, volksverdriet, royalty, miljonairs, mil-
jardairs, triljardairs, Arabieren, olieboeren & de
oliebollen, appelflappen, juwelen, kronen vol
met edelstenen, galabanketten, hoge hoed
& platte pet, pijptabak, cigaret & cigaar,
klederdrachten, Giethoorn, Drachten,
Lutjebroek op Langedijk, Urk, Volen
Dam, Marken, Geuzen, reuzen &
kabouters, legioenen trollen vol
kul & kastanjes, appeltjes van
Oranje, Spanje, Dietsland en
Vlaanderen, Van Speijk met
kruit- & turfschepen, pest
& muizen, ratten, katten
met patatten, may-
onaise, vetpot,