35906¥270 after letting the students release some
BY ASKING 'What exactly ìs àrt?
And how do we determine whether something is a work of art or not?'
After a few more minutes of back and forth the teachers steers the class in the right direction:
'Art is anything people think is art, and beauty is in the eyes of the beholder!' Ìf people think that a urinal
is a beautiful work of art ~ then it is. What higher authority is there to tell people they are wrong? So today
copies of Duchamp's masterpiece are still presented in some of the most important museums in the world,
including the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, the National Gallery in London & the Pompidou Centre in
Paris. {The copies are displayed in the museums' galleries, not in the lavatories.} Sùch humanist approaches
have had a deep impact on the economic field as well. In the Middle Ages guilds controlled the production
process, thus leaving little room for the initiative or taste of individual artisans and customers.
The carpenters' guild determined whàt wàs a proper chair, the bakers' guild defined good bread, and the
Meistersinger guild decided whìch songs were first class & which were rubbish? Meanwhile princes and city
councils regulated salaries & prices, occasionally forcing people to buy fixed amounts of goods at a non-
negotionable price! In the modern free market all these guilds, councils & princes have been
superseded by a new supreme authority ~ the free will of the customer?
Wat deze ouwe Mòr betreft is elk individueel mènsch
ook een bezoeker van deze open wereldwijde
marktplaats: we produceren & consumeren
nú al of niet hopelijk dàtgene wat ònszèlf
't best 'schikt, aanstaat, bekoort,
afstoot, voorkomt, uitkomt
èn nodig
Asih, man, 79 jaar
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