An experience is not made of atoms, electromagnetic waves, proteins or numbers.
Rather, an experience is a subjective phenomenon made up of three main ingredients:
sensations, emotions and thoughts. At any particular moment my experience comprises everything I sense
(heat, pleasure, tension, etcetera), every emotion I feel (love, fear, anger, etc.) and whatever thoughts arise
in my mind. And what is 'sensitivity'? It means two things! Firstly, paying attention to my sensations,
emotions and thoughts. Second, allowing these sensations, emotions & thoughts to influence me.
I shouldn't allow èvery passing brééze
to swéép me away! Yet I should be open to new experiences
and permit them to change my views, my behaviour and even my personality. Experiences and sensitivity
build up one another in a never ending cycle. I cannot experience anything if I have no sensitivity, and I can
nòt develop sensitivity unless I undergo a variety of experiences. Sensitivity is nòt
an abstract aptitude that can be developed by reading books
or listening to lectures?
ÌT ìs a practical skill that CÀN rípen ànd matúre
only by applying it
in practice.