35948¥280 Similarly, whereas most premodern~~~~~~~


modern novels, films & poems often emphasize feelings?!!
Graeco-Roman epics & medieval chivalric romances were catalogues
of heroic deeds, not feelings!? One chapter described how a brave knight
fought a monstrous ogre, and killed him. Another chapter recounted how the
knight rescued a beautiful princess from a fire-spitting dragon, and killed him! A
third chapter narrated how a wicked sorcerer kidnapped the princess, but the knight
pursued the sorcerer, & killed him! Small wonder that the hero wàs invariably a knight
if full armor, rather than a carpenter or a peasant, for peasants performed no heroic deeds!?
Crucially, the heroes did not undergo any significant process of inner change?!! Achilles, Arthur,
Roland & Lancelot were fearless warriors with a chivalric world view before they set out on their
adventures, ànd they remained fearless warriors with the same view at the end! All the ogres they
killed and all the princesses they rescued confirmed their courage ànd perseverance, but ultimately
taught them little. Opmerkelijk dat de überwrede verwilderde boreale Baudethelden van de extreem
Òppervlàkkige "Moderne Tijd" zich vooral blíjven focussen op de oude rituelen. Wat zien we aan al die
nieuwe schuimende massa's USA-megamuchomasochisten & Pan-Arabische LePens & Secret Service necro-
fiele mocromaffiosi met hùn VLAD de SpietserPutinversies, Donald Duckpussyfuck Trumps, Marcosdutertes,
Sylvester Stallone-Kadaffi's Djugashvilis/Stalins, Schicklgrubers/Hitlers, & 't hele universele
wereldwijde "Leger der Lubberiaanse Verruttende Vanagterlijke ÜBERHEIDENSE zgn.
Massale Heilbrengers" als de Arnold Schwarzeneggers,
Brad Pitts, Tom Cruises, Rockies, de Bombollebibi
Netanyahu/Arafat supergladiatoren, siegheilsporthelden,
presidenten &

18 sep 2019 - bewerkt op 20 sep 2019 - meld ongepast verhaal
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