35953¥285 Here & there we can even spot the faces

However, these scenes receive their meaning from their place within the overall picture.
When we see a cannonball smashing a soldier to bits & pieces, we understand it as part of a great Catholic
victory. If the soldier is fighting on the Protestant side, his death is a just reward for rebellion & heresy?! If
the soldier is fighting in the Catholic army, his death is a noble sacrifice for a worthy cause!? If we look ùp,
we can see angels hovering high above the battlefield! They are holding a white banner that explains in La-
tin whàt hàppened in this bàttle, & why it ìs só important? Their message is that God helped Emperor Ferd-
inand II to defeat his enemies on 8 November 1620.... Thus for thousands of years, when people looked at
War they saw Gods, EMPERORS, GENERALS & GREAT HEROES! But over the last two centuries the kings &
generals have been increasingly pushed to the side, & the limelight has shifted onto the common soldier &
hìs experiences? War novels such as All Quiet on the Western Front & war films such as Platoon
begin with a green recruit, who knows little about himself & the world, but carries a heavy burden of hópes
& illusions! He believes that wàr is glórious, the cáuse is jùst & the general a true genius? A few weeks of a
RÉAL WAR - of mùd, & blóód, ànd the smèll of death - shatter his illusions one after another! If he survives,
the formerly naïve recruit will leave the war a much wiser man, who no longer believes the clichés & ideals
peddled by teachers, film-makers & eloquent politicians. Paradoxically, this narrative has become só influen-
tial that today it is told over & over again éven by teachers, film-makers & eloquent politicians. Dag & nacht
reppen de media over bombardementen, aanvallers, verdedigers, vliegtuigen, drones, fregatten & tanks van
over de hele wijde wereld met soldaten van alle leeftijden van de wieg tot het graf: opperbevelhebbers & de
pubers die altijd overal weer keer op keer moorden, brullen, brallen, buren sturen & muchomacho begluren?
18 sep 2019 - bewerkt op 21 sep 2019 - meld ongepast verhaal
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Asih, man, 79 jaar
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