35981¥304as for the choir of Congolese pygmy girls

And if a recording of such an initiation song ever makes it to the global market place, it merely serves
to reinforce Western colonial fantasies about Africa in general and African women in particular. So which
music is best: Beethoven's Fifth, 'Johnny B. Goode' or the Pygmy Initiation Song? Should a government
finance the building of Opera Houses, Rock and Roll venues or African-Heritage exhibitions? And what is it
that we should teach music students in schools and colleges? Well, don't ask me! Ask the party's cultural
commissar. Whereas liberals tiptoe around the minefield of cultural comparisons, fearful of committing some
some politically incorrect faux pas, and whereas socialists leave it to the party to find the correct path
through this minefield, evolutionary humanists gleefully jump right in, setting off all the mines & relishing
the mayhem! They may start by pointing out that both liberals and socialists draw the line at other animals
(mammals), & that consequently human music is far more valuable than wolf howls? Yet humankind itself is
not exempt from the forces of evolution! Just as humans are superior to wolves, so some human cultures are
advanced then others? There is an unambiguous hierarchy of human experiences, & we shouldn't be apologe-
tic about it! The Taj Mahal is more beautiful than a straw hut, Michelangelo's Daweedeweedeweed is super-
ior to my five-year-old niece's latest clay figurine, & Van Beethoven composed far better music than Chuck
Berry or the Congolese pygmies? There, we've said it! According to evolutionary humanists, anyone arguing
that all our human experiences are equally valuable is either an imbecile or a coward. Such vulgarity &
timidity will lead only to the degeneration & extinction of humankind, as human progress is impeded in the
name of cul-tural relativism or social equality. If liberals or socialists had lived in the Stone Age, they would
probably have seen little merit in the murals of Lascaux & Altamira, & would have insisted that the were in
no way superior to Neanderthal doodles? Voor de ouwe Mòr was 't 'n boeiende reis tussen paviljoen Randhorst,
Gemeentesecretarie, Het Jeugdgebouw, De School met den Bijbel, Ireneschool, mulo, AKI, Hoogstraat, Veld-
wijk, kunstnijverheid, kippenslachterij, kantoren, fabrieken, mode, Van Gelder, Israeli kibbutzim, Japanese
communes, hitching & hiking tussen Groot MOKUM & Hongkong, Nachodka, Birobeidjan, Siberië i/d USSR-tijd,
Moscow, Odessa, Istanbul, Petra/Elji, Sinaï & Santa Katarina, Koerdistan, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kashmir,
Madras, Kerala, Calcutta: Italia's Podelta in '62, OM, RODE VLAGGEN, KAMP VLEDDER & kamp Erika@Ommen!!
Dekolonisaties & neokolonisaties, Vietnam, Laos, Kampuchea, Congo, Sahel, Bangladesh, Ethiopië, Argentinië,
Chili, Suriname, Toemakhoemak, de Guyana's, abc~eilanden, Goudkusten, slavenhalers & -houders, Ons Indië
ÈN Wilders, Janmaat, Thierry Baudet als Cherry Cadetjes, zeeschuimers, piraten, zeerovers, bootvluchtelingen,
ruilverkavelingen, indistrialisaties, wereldoorlogen, oorlogen & revoluties, Global Markets, huurlingen & Putin,
Trump, Duterte, Soekarno, Soeharto, Marcos, Fidel Castro, Pinochet, Videla, Mao, Modi, Saoedia, YEMEN ......
Oude & nieuwe liedjes vol van hoop & verdriet, liefde, haat, ontdekkingen, wisselende betrekkingen & toppop?
De media, opp(r)oppende modeverschijnselen & hun verouderingsprocessen, politieke partijen & hun kroost...
Toch maar mooi dat er 'n myDi is waar 'n ieder z'n ei Kwijtkan tussen ontstaan, gedogen & vergaan! Processie
& agressie, negotie & negatie: ads, propaganda, Sterreclametrucjes, Sesamstraten ÈN Jeugdjournalen bij de
vleet & de Opkomende Grote Revoluties & Evoluties op Alle Gebieden des Levens van top tot teen vice versa...

22 sep 2019 - bewerkt op 26 sep 2019 - meld ongepast verhaal
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Asih, man, 79 jaar
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