BUT THIS IS A MIRAGE? Gòd ìs dead -
it's just taking a while to get rid of the body! Radical Islam
poses no threat to the liberal package, because for all their fervour
the zealots don't really understand the world of the 21st century, and have nothing
relevant to say about the novel dangers & opportunities that new technologies are generating
all around us. Religion and technology always dance a delicate tango: they push one another, depend
on one another & cannot stray too far away from one another. Technology depends on religion because every
invention has many potential applications, & the engineers nééd some prophet to make the crucial choices
& point towards the required destination. Thus in the 19th century engineers invented locomotives, radios
and internal combustion engines. But as the 20th century proved, you can use these very same tools to
create fascist societies, communist dictatorships & liberal democracies? Without religious convictions,
the locomotives cannot decide which way to go! Doodgewoon dus ook 'n myDikwestie van chimps &
bonobos, schapen & geiten, stieren & koeien, honden & katten, vogels en vissen die zwemmen en[{}]
vliegen, kruipen, lopen, rènnen, communiceren, fabriceren, creëren, beweren, zingen, dansen &
jubileren, blijven uitproberen met speren, dolken, messen, pijlen & bogen, vuren maken & ons
eten braden, koken, bakken, leren bewaren, nesten & huizen bouwen, verkennen, ontdekken
& onderzoeken van de allerkleinste details tot & met de allergrootste hemellichamen in ons
vel met huid & haar, oog, oor, hand, voet, tand, neus, keus, leus, dwerg, reus, kìnderen:
simpelweg myDiertjes die evolueren in tuinen van Eden, Aden, Qumran, Ain Fashka &
Ein Geddi, Massada, Sdom, Ir Ovot, Sdeh Boqer, Avdat, Ruchama, Harel,
Parod & Shamir, Nes Ammim, Yodfat, Jotapata, Eilat,
Sinaï, Petra, Elji, Ma'an, Da'ara enzo
Etceterara in droom en daad,
onderweg op pad &
straat, berg &
dal overal