Dogmas of Hong, Dayananda, Pius and the Mahdi even as industrial factories, railroads and steamships filled the world.
Yet most of us don't think about the 19th century as the age of faith. When we think of 19th century visionaries we are far more
likely to recall Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels & Vlad Lenin than the Muslim Mahdi, Romancatholic Pius IX or Chinese Hong Xiuquan?
And rightly so! Though in 1850 socialism was only a fringe movement, it soon gathered momentum & changed the world in far more
profound ways than the self-proclaimed messiahs of China & Sudan! If you valued national health-services, pension funds and free schools, you need to thank Marx & Lenin (& Otto von Bismarck) far more than Hong Xuiquan or the Mahdi! Why did Marx & Lenin succeed where Hong & the Mahdi failed? Not because socialist humanism was philosophically more sophisticated than Islamic and
Christian theology, but rather because Marx & Lenin devoted more attention to understanding the technological & economic realities
of their time than to scrutinizing ancient texts and prophetic dréams! Steam engines, railroads, telegraphs & electricity created all kinds of unheard-of problems as well as unprecedented opportunities? These experiences, needs & hopes of the new class of urban proletariats were simply too different from those of biblical peasants! To answer these needs & hopes, Marx & Lenin studied how a steamengine functions, how a coal mine operates, how railroads shape the economy & how electricity influences politics. Lenin was once asked to define communism in one single sentence? He said, "COMMUNISM IS POWER TO WORKER COUNCILS, PLUS ELECTRIFICATION OF THE WHOLE COUNTRY!" For there can be no communism without electricity, without railroads and/or without radio?! You couldn't have established a communist regime in 16th-century Russia, because communism necessitates the concentration of information and resources in one hub! 'FROM EACH ACCORDING TO HIS ABILITIES, TO EACH ACCORDING TO HIS NEEDS AS WELL!' - this only works when produce can easily be collected & distributed across vast distances, and when activities can be monitored & coordinated over entire countries. Een kwestie van stap voor stap ontwikkelingen: baby-, peuter-, kleuter- & kindertijd - puberteit & volwassenheid ....
Evolutionaire ontwikkelingen van vele miljoenen jaren - klampen, kruipen, staan, lopen, rennen, vliegen, duiken, ontdekken, verwekken & ontwikkelen, sprongsgewijs, op bergen & in dalen, rivieren, stranden, eilanden, kaarten, haarden, huizen in hitte & kou: als in myDiary, dag na dag, jaar in jaar uit, maanden, weken, dagen, uren vol van lichaam & geest - op zoek geweest & soms gevonden & ondervonden. Uitgepluist, ingedikt, verdund, opgezwollen, aangedikt & ingeblikt 'omdat het kan' & 'we willen weten waarom' .......