Sanjiv TALWAR of the State University of New York,
one of the leading robo-rat researchers, has dismissed these concerns,
arguing that the rats actually enjoy the experiments?! After all, explains Talwar,
these rats 'work for pleasure' and when the electrodes stimulate the reward centers of their brain, '
the rat feels Nirvana'. To the best of our understanding, the rat doesn't feel that somebody else controls
her, and she is being coerced to do anything against her will!? When Professor Talwar presses the remote
control, the rat WANTS to move to the left, which is why she moves to the left! When the very clever
professor presses another switch, this rat WANTS to climb a ladder, which ìs why she climbs the ladder!
After all, the rat's desires ARE NOTHING BUT A PATTERN OF FIRING NEURONS? What does it matter
whether the neurons are firing because they are stimulated by other neurons or by transplanted
electrodes connected to Prof. Sanjiv Talwar's remote control? If you ask the rat about it, she might
well tell you, 'Sure Í háve fréé wìll! Lóók, Í wànt to tùrn lèft - and I turn left! Í wànt to climb
a ladder - and I clìmb this ladder! Doesn't thàt próve that I háve fréé wìll?' Vervang die rat door
jou/mij, VLAD PUTIN &/OR DJ TRUMP en we krijgen iets dergelijks volgens de natuurwetten van onze
erfelijkheid, onze opvoeding, onze 'toevallige' gebeurtenissen & aanverwante complicaties? Zwaartekracht,
subatomaire, biochemische & dergelijke beïnvloedingen spelen hun spel met de dino & hemelse inslagen,
aardbevingen, vulkaanuitbarstingen, tsunami's, ijstijden & opwarmingen dragen steentjes bij
aan ons ontstaan en wederom vergaan: gewaarwordingen, fantasierijke
implicaties & ùberkomische effecten ... Je zal
er maar deel van uitmaken, jouw
stofjes & plofjes aan bijdragen,
ÈN je afvragen waar
dat alles heen-
gaat ...