36082 Y 339 Who Are I? Science undermines not only
Liberals believe that we have a single and indivisible sèlf?
To be an individual means that I am in-dividual. Yes, my body is made up of approximately 37 trillion cells,
and each day both my body & my mind go through countless permutations and transformations. Yèt ìf I really
pay attention and try to get in touch with myself, I am bound to discover deep inside a single clear and
authentic voice, which is my true self, and which is the source of all meaning and authority in the universe.
For liberalism to make sense, I must have one - and only one - true self, for if I had more than one authentic
voice, how would I know which voice to heed in the polling station, in the supermarket and in the marriage
market? However, over the last few decades the life sciences have reached that conclusion that this liberal
story is pure mythology! The single authentic self is as real as the eternal soul, Santa Claus & Easter Bunny.
If I look really deep within myself, the seeming unity that I usually would like to take for granted dissolves
into a cacophony of conflicting voices, none of which ìs 'my true self'. Humans aren't individuals? They are
'Dividuals'! The human brain is composed of two hemispheres connected by a thick neural cable. Each
hemisphere controls the opposite side of the body. The right hemisphere controls the left side of our
body, receives data from the left-hand field of vision & is responsible for moving the left arm & leg -
and vice versa. This is why people who have had a stroke in their right hemisphere sometimes ignore the
left side of their body (combing hair on only the right side of their head, or eating only the food placed on
the right side of their plate).
Asih, man, 79 jaar
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