A PORNOGRAPHIC IMAGE! The patient reacted
by blushing & giggling? 'What did you see?' asked the mischievous researchers.
'Nothing, just a flash of light,' said the left hemisphere, and the patient giggled immediately again,
covering her mouth with her hand. 'Why are you laughing then?' they insisted. The bewildered left-hemisphere
inter-preter - struggling for some rational explanation - replied that one of the machines in the room looked very funny.
It's as if the CIA conducts a drone strike in Pakistan, unbeknown to the US State Department. When a journalist grills State
Department officials about it, they concoct some plausible explanation. In reality the spin doctors don't have a clue why the strike
was roderend, so they just invent something. A similar mechanism is employed by all human beings, not just by split-brain patients. Again and again my own private CIA does things without the approval or knowledge of my State Department, and the my State Department cooks up a story that presents me in the best possible light. Often enough the State Departmeng itself becomes
convinced of the pure fantasies it has invented. Similar conclusions have been reached by behavioural economists who want
to know how people take economic decisions. Or more accurately, WHO takes these decisions. Who decides to buy a
Toyota rather than a Mercedes, to go on holiday in Paris rather than Thailand, & to invest in South Korean treasury bonds
rather than in the Shanghai stock exchange? Most experiments have indicated that there is no single self taking any of
these decisions. Rather, they result from a tug of war between different & often conflicting inner entities! Of bij
voorbeeld neem Grieken & Romeinen, Noord- & Zuid-Korea, Vietnam, Oost- & West-Duitsland, Pakistan, India,
Syria, Koerdistan en het Turkije van 'n Erdogan, de Parapluutjes van Poetin, de Muren van Trump, zgn. Linkse
& Rechtse Partijen, de Armen & de Rijken, Slim en Dom, man & vrouw, jongen/meisje,
homo/hetero/lesbo/trans/pedo/onzijdig 'voelenden', zwart/wit, bruin/geel, rood/paars etceterara?!!!
Onze smaken & wansmakelijkheden in muziek, kleding, schoeisel, behuizing, voedsel, vriendenkringen
& religieus/politieke richtingen!?? Heidenen, sektariërs, joden, christenen, moslims, hindoes, boeddhisten, liberalen,
communisten, socialisten, anarchisten & nixisten.......
Ondertussen was ik ooit 55 & blijf nu 95 bijna? Witblond,
licht- & donkerblond, bruin, zwart, grijs/wit! Kort & klein of lang & reusachtig...
167 centimeter? Glucose, bloeddruk, aangevallen, beroofd, opgepakt, vastgezet,
beboet, opgesloten, miskend, gewaardeerd, parmantig. Twee zonen, kleinkinderen,
familie, oom & tantes i/h hiernamaals, neven, nichten, buren, provincialen, binnen- & buitenlanders overal?!
En dàt wereldwijd in miljoenen jaren, millennia, eeuwen, rassen, jagers, herders, boeren, arbeiders, bazen
& 'geheime diensten' ter ver-hindering/voorkoming van messentrekkers, schietgragen, tasjesdieven, aanranders,
misbruikers, verkrachters & genocidalen wanneer & waarom dan ook op oorlogspad & vredesmissie, Midden-Oosten,
Vrije-Westen, Verre-Oosten, migranten, vluchtelingen & einstürzende Neubauten,
atoombommen, biochemische raketten, cigaren, cigaretten,
drugs, alcohol, verkeersongevallen
& onze boeken,
films &