39058RDOG18TheSameApplies ToTheStoriesInTheOT&NOT?

have no
more reason to
believe them than we
do Homer’s stories about Achilles or Helen.
The stories of Abraham & Joseph and so on are Hebrew legends,
just as Homer’s are Greek legends & how about the New Testament?
It offers a better hope of finding true history because it refers to a more recent period than the Old:
a mere 2000 years ago! But how much do we really know about ‘Jesus’: can we be sure ‘he’ even
really existed? Most, though not all, modern scholars think he probably did! What evidence do we have?

The so-called Gospels? They’re printed at the beginning of the New Testament, so you might think they were written first. Actually, the oldest books in the NOT come near the end: the letters of “SAINT” Paul, Sha’ul. Unfortunately, SP says hardly anything about Jesus’s life. There’s lots about the religious meaning of YESH, especially his death & resurrection. But almost nothing that even claims to be history.

Maybe SP thought his readers already knew the story of Jesus’s life? But it’s also possible SP didn’t know it himself? Remember, these gospels were not yet written! Or maybe he didn’t think it was even important. This lack of facts about YESH in Paul’s letters makes historians wonder. Isn’t it a little odd that this SP, who wanted people to worship Yehoshua, says almost nothing about what this YESH actually said or did?

Another thing that worries historians is that there are hardly any mentions of Yeshua in histories outside the gospels. The Jewish historian Josephus (AD 37-c.100), writing in Greek, only had this to say: ABOUT THIS TIME THERE LIVED JESUS, A WISE MAN, IF INDEED ONE OUGHT TO CALL HIM A MAN. For he was one who performed surprising deeds &
was a teacher of such people as to accept the truth gladly.
He won over many Jews & many of the Greeks.
He was the Messiah.

And when, upon the accusation of the principal men among us, Pilate had condemned him to a cross, those who had first come to love him did not cease.

He appeared to them spending a third day to life restored, for the prophets of God had foretold these things & a thousand other marvels about him & the tribe of the Christians, so called after him,
has still to this day not disappeared.

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