39060RichDog21ÌFJosephus hàd somehow gone against

wàs thé Real One And ONLY messiah, he would have made a big song & dance of it...........
He wouldn’t have jùst dropped ìn a casual ‘He was the Messiah’. It does sound very like a láter Christian forgery?! That’s certainly what most scholars now believe. The other early historian who mentions Jesus is the Roman TACITUS (AD 54-120). His writing offers more convincing evidence for Jesus’s existence, for the backhanded reason that Tacitus has NOTHING góód to say about so-called CHRISTIANS?!
Thus writing in LATIN about an event during the persecution of the early Christians by the mad Emperor Nero (AD 37-87), Tacitus said: “NERO FASTENED THE GUILT AND INFLICTED THE MOST EXQUISITE TORTURES ON A CLASS HATED FOR THEIR ABOMINATIONS, called CHRISTIANS by the populace.

Christus, from whom the name had it’s origin, suffered the extreme penalty during the reign of Tiberius at the hands of one of our procurators, PONTIUS PILATUS, and a most mischievous superstition, THUS checked FOR THE MOMENT, again broke out not ONLY in Judaea, the FIRST source of the EVIL, but so now even in ROME, where all things hideous and shameful FROM EVERY PART OF THE WORLD find THEIR CENTRE & BECOME POPULAR!”

DÀT kun je wel zeggen met legio religieuze verkrachters,
cruel wars, martelaars, torturors, kolonisten, kluizenaars, monnikenwerk,
nonnenkloosters, koningshuizen en al die andere maffiosiconnections,
terroristen, rode brigades, burlesquonis, mussolinis, hitlers & pausen.

Rare zgn. christelijke sekten, gektes, complottheorieën, geheime diensten, veiligheidsdiensten & griezels
die ‘t hebben over geitenneukers, minder Marokkanen, verwilderde Geertjes & Cherrycadetjes met alle
gekke trucjes, vestjes, petjes, foto’s, automobilismes, voetbalwedstrijden, rare vechtsporten & reclames

vol tv-stèrren, roddelblaadjes, boulevardkrantenjournalistiek, roddelrubrieken & stompzinnige spelletjes.
23 aug 2020 - bewerkt op 26 aug 2020 - meld ongepast verhaal
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