42646/'46 What we currently believe, however -



is that at some point somewhere
around 70,000 years ago,
the ancestors of our
modern humanity
were in deep trouble.
Forced by sub-Saharan
desertification out of their
formerly well-forested environment
in southeast Africa (the original Lost
Garden), these early humans existed
as scattered small tribes - with a
total population as low as
a few thousand -
scavenging along
the land bridge between
Africa and western Asia, precariously
perched on the verge of extinction. Something
quite incredible then happened, spurred by some
deep unknown catalyst for a new kind of evolution never
yet seen before? One small wavelet of Homo sapiens,
perhaps numbering as few as a thousand, the direct
genetic ancestors of all the non-African races, then
migrated into Western Asia in a revolution of
behavior that anthropologists believe
included more sophisticated tools,
wider social networks, and
the first art and body
ornaments, known
as the Cognitive
This is the moment
that Homo sapiens
made its radical break from
the other hominids, and began
to exhibit the fully modern behavior
of complex art & toolmaking?! Language
and religion probably began to rapidly evolve
at this juncture, as man embarked on his relatively
short march to dominate this planet as no other species
has ever done before!? Mycologists proposed that
the spark that caused early Homo sapiens to first-
conceive of "G d" and language was the accidental
consumption of psychedelic psilocybin mushrooms, which would
have been ubiquitous in the dung of primitive cattle. According to McKenna, the Great
Horned Goddess of the oldest Neolithic cults represents that link between cattle, mushrooms,
and the first religion! Of course this theory is practically unprovable {as are most theories about our ancient history} but it is certainly worth noting that many of the strange T-shaped carved pillars at
the temple complex of Göbekli Tepe in Anatolia (in modern Turkey) - founded in the tenth
millennium BCE & now believed to be the oldest temple in the world -
certainly resemble mushroom, while ancient cave paintings
(5000 BCE) of hominids with mushrooms
coming out of their torsos
have been found on
the Tassili plateau
of northern
doet Mòr
denken aan de
"jaren zestig" van de vorige eeuw:
provo, 't Lieverdje, Kees Hoekert, de Gaya, de Meerkoet &
de Meerpoet, de Nieuwe Keizersgracht, Dokwerker,
Waterlooplein, De AMSTELHOF enzo... Kamp
Erika, Ommen, Steenwijk, Diever, Assen, TT,
VINKENOOG. Tussen de Hoogstraat &
kamp Vledder, Robbie &
Ronnie Philipsen,
Directeur Ras,
Cor Inja,
& wat
op volgde:
Velo Korinthos,
Jeanny & Shula,
Danny Boyarin, Uri Davis,
Yodfat, SHAMIR, BEIT Alfa,
Heftsiba, Givat Oz, RUCHAMA,
Har EL, Yamagishi-kai, Toyosato,
Birobeidjan, MOSCOW,
Charkow, Odessa
27 nov 2022 - bewerkt op 01 dec 2022 - meld ongepast verhaal
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Asih, man, 79 jaar
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