the rain set in
every one tried to get through
taking shelter walking under the trees
one did not
he stood out
in his cotton and silk clothes
all black
pitch black as the darkest night
his hair
dark with a slight greenish flare
his eyes
almost lighting up between the dark eyelashes
his pale skin wet
and smooth
with a pearl
a tear rolling down his cheak
his clothes started to drown
but as most would shiver
he stood there
out in the poring rain
like a stone
yet so alive
people made an arch around him
frightend by his ghostly apearance
he just stared
nothing more
yet the vibe in the mass was chilled
they nervously shoved round slowly
as if thinking
"he does not see me move"
but they all thought the same
and all moved
he could not not notice
their fright
he raised his head
and a smile came
first the people started to ease a little
some nervous laughter started
but soon the silence returned
the pace which was moderate with the smile
fell back to a slow motion
his laughter brought back the cold rain drops
his smile was not one of happiness
rather one of deep rage
and now they knew
they saw a reason for fear
not soon panic raged through the streets
yet he had not even moved
a wave of anxiaty went ahead of him
even streets that were not even in visible sight
were in panic
he brased him self
and people started to hide
his stance changed
his body got ready
and his eyes did glow now
no way that was but an wordlu expression
his eyes flamed like small wildfires
and there she was
his girl
and she
her man
and inbetween
there was one
that did no longer belonged
cold silence now returned
and the two manicing looking lovers
to run
they screamed like demons
they drew their swords
and ran like wild wolves launching an attack
on the one standing inbetween
they only had eyes for each other
the one inbetween was dead in their eyes
even before the swords cut him to pieces
and they now stood
nose to nose
sword to sword
eye to eye
chest to chest
and kissed
between their feet lay the one
who killed their child