one can spend time jerking off at porn fantasizing about that hot celeb so unattainable
yet they say you can not know what is going on,
time could have been better spend learning to seek the truth than to follow the leader.
they tell you the terrorists will take your freedoms away they hate you and your life style. well, maybe they dislike your life style, but the only ones who can take your freedom away are you and your beloved government.
and you do take the freedom away and so does the government all out of fear some "terrorist" might do it.
and yes, you do it while you are xmas shopping, with your mobile facebook phone tracking your every move and listening in on you seeking for "friends" in proximity while you walk through town, checking in here and there on wifi spots because you hate to pay for all that jazz.
oh YES i loath people especially those who loath to do some independent critical thinking and just believe their life is too important to know, that they have a RIGHT TO PARTY ALL THE TIME. i loath them, simply because they hardly understand, nor wanting to understand the consequences of their believes and actions. unlike their leaders, who with full knowledge and understanding shroud the eyes of the masses, conspire to take more and more, for a little security. i loath them too, but at least they took some time to understand the world they live in. most people on the other hand, they just want to fuck and think they are great.