Canada #2

Today has been pretty funerg vrolijk...yesterday I bought new clothes...five shirtserg vrolijk...for CAN$ 148 dollarsnahnah...that is like 120 that is oknahnah...that is like 29 euros a shirtvrolijk I love Charlottetown though I miss Den Haag. But wouldn't that be normal?

Today tante showed me som beautyful homesvrolijk Later I went to Charlottetown again. First went to Tim Hortons for donuts and a cup of coffeevrolijk...later I went to the coffeeshop for another cup of coffee toovrolijk...
I also found a soccerstore called soccerstop...I love itvrolijk...I made a lot amount of pictures already...ever since out of The Netherland I've made 197 pictureserg vrolijk...just watched CSI:NY...erg vrolijkerg vrolijkerg vrolijkerg vrolijkerg vrolijkerg vrolijkerg vrolijk

for now...good night and good bye


with love
from Canada verliefdverliefdverliefdverliefdverliefdverliefdverliefdverliefdverliefdverliefdverliefdverliefd

17 mei 2007 - meld ongepast verhaal
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Profielfoto van standh87
standh87, man, 38 jaar
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