dear mylove .

Dit gaat over een jongen die ik heb ontmoet hier in Italie en ja het is in het Engels maar in het engels kan ik nou eenmaal beter mijn gevoelend uiten (:
veel leesplezier,

xoxo marie

Dear .........
I've met you on friday morning, I didn't gave you much attention 'cause I had no idea I would felt for you. You went by on Saturday, we went ice-skating and we laughed so hard. It was your second time on ice ever, and I remember you said: ''I hope I won't break my ass.'' I smiled at you, you smiled back while I said that wasn't gonna happened. ''I will take care of you,'' I whipered but you didn't hear it. I never taught someone how to ice-skate but it was really fun. You said I must go ice-skating by myself, but I refused ; I didn't want you to be alone and anyway, I had fun with you. At some point the railing stopped so you couldn't hold on to it anymore, ''Take my hand,'' I said, you smiled and took it. I felt your skin, the second time, but different then the first time. Minutes later, your skate broke, you saw it and laughed, ''I am a champion, I can skate with a broken skate,'' you said. Then I felt right on my butt, and my God that was painfull, you wanted to help me but you didn't wanna fall too. I laughed and stood up myself. ''Everything okay?'' You asked, and that smile again. ''Yeh sure,'' I said. When I saw his smile every pain dissapeared. After thirty minutes full of ice-skating and falling, we went home again, we talked and laughed all the way and I hoped it was never gonna to end. At home I walked to my room, you followed me and looked around. ''Haha, yes it is quiet messy,'' I said and you smiled again. You smiled the whole day, so I smiled too. You went to the concert, and we went to the shoppingstreets. I didn't want to go to the concert because it was gonna be boring like always, but I do wanted to go to you. We were picked up and we drove to the concert-church. I walked in and you turned around. Your brown eyes looked into mine and I saw you had missed me. I smiled and waved at you, I wanted to sit next to you but there sat other people, I guess your parents? So I took a seat a few rows in front of your seat. I turned around and you looked at me, I smiled and you smiled even brighter. After the concert you came to me. ''Hi,'' you said quiet and you did blush a little bit. ''Hey,'' I answered and smiled - and I think I was blushing too. ''Kiss?'' You asked. My heart stopped for a moment, I looked in your eyes and I realized everyone gives each other two kisses on the cheeks when they meet or say goodbye. ''Oh yeh sure,'' I said and I gave you for the first time two kisses. You put your arm around me and you hold me tight for just one second, one perfect second. You smiled and looked at me while I was shaking hands and gave kisses to other people - and you didn't even looked jealous like I would if I saw you kissing with other girls than me. You asked if we want to go with you in your car to the pizzeria where we would have some pizza with everyone and -ofcoures- I said yes. Leon wanted to go in the frontseat of your car, his mom said, ''Let Marie sit there.'' Leon became mad at his mom and she said, ''Not only for her, ....... likes that.'' I blushed while I took the seat next to you. You came in the car and you smiled so big, and only because I was sitting next to you. In the pizzeria you sat next to me, and your friends sat in front of you. The dad of your friend said that we should take a different seat, so your friends stood up and walked to the other side of the table. You didn't and stayed next to me. I was not sure if you did that for me, or if you did that because you didn't want to talk with your friends but I know it was the first reason. We ate our pizza and we laughed about so many things. We talked about ketchup and how you should pronounce it. I learned you some couple words more Dutch and I really hope you still know what ''Alsjeblieft'' means - 'Cause you found that the most difficult one. You asked for me number, and you gave yours. I promised you I would text you, and Ofcoures I did, ''Hello (: x'' We walked to your car together where we said goodbye to each other. Two kisses again and a sweet smile, that's what I gave you but you gave me even more. You send me a Whatsapp-message that night, we talked a lot on Whatsapp -and still. That was the last time I saw you, but I promise you, you will see me much more in the future.

Lots of love, Marie.
01 jan 2013 - meld ongepast verhaal
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mariexoxo, vrouw, 25 jaar
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