na zo een kleine 22 testen tehebben gedaan is het wel mooi geweest maar deze geeft toch een toekomstperspectief. mocht die worden verkleint naar 1 maakt dat ook niet uit als het blijvend is
75 Future Partners!
Your Meaningless Percentage is 67%!
75 future partners. Pretty Neat, Huh? Well, if you feel good about these test resluts, i mean results, you have only me to thank, your extremely humble-ass testwriter. But back to you, 75. 75. Damn. From your answers it's been determined you haven't even had sex yet, so I think you're in for a treat. Keep in mind, however, statistically you have a 983 in 1000 chance of getting aids & the clap from any woman under the age of 19, for what it's worth, which probably it's not worth much, thanks a lot. Hmmf
fuckaverage of 78% more than the regulare
mood: supermelig
Music: queen we wil rock you