Everlasting Love
Within there rabithole
I dropped me down unclaimed
Without wings to cherish
I fell in earth ashamed
Layed me down on shards
Bleeding a broken dream
Ever so cold without my fur
My soul was never to redeem
You found me there between the bugs
strengthend and ripped out my heart
Black feathers would carry you
As her hands whe're covered in blood
Unfamiliar memories showed the way
Paved in flesh the road was long
But my fingers ignored my hands
No mather what, I carried on
I fought and riped apart
So you might be free at last
'Twas prolonging still
your enemys they where vast
the end
Our story was long fortold
and sorrows winds might still be casting
We shall journey on this path together
For we know that this love is everlasting
Alucard, man, 124 jaar
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