Friday! It has been raining all day!
Today was a raining day! Hiep and mother went to work, I also went to PCC. I had
to use my umbrella to go to bus stop. I worked out from 11:10am to 12:40pm. The manage
of the gym to day was a handsome man, and friendly. Last Friday I also met him. After
the gym, I went to Financial Aid office to due the ESOL program letter about credits
for next term, and ask about my work study. Well, have no better, just waiting! In the
evening, go with mom to Hiep work and take his car to the car check office, we spent
$105.00 for this checking. Then we went to Market to buy some thing and cook " hu tieu"
Vietnamese food, for dinner.
Thanks be to God for a wonderful day!
Huynh Tran
huynhtran, man, 32 jaar
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