
just like you

like the moon
white and quiet
always watching
over the earth

looking to the moon
it make me
forget everything
everything about you

all the love and hate
all the tears
I cried
only for you

that's over now
but still I'm looking
thinking about it
and forgetting it

that moon
made me do somuch
white and quiet
just like you

you make us cry

I know you think of me
what you think
and how you think

it's everywhere around me
all those thoughts
make me quiver
and make me scared

why are you thinking
about me and others
think about yourself

you make people cry
and make them laugh
but noy about themselve
you make them hate

stop that thinking
think about yourself
enough thoughts for you
you can have them

but stop it
right now
you make us cry

so quiet

the earth
it's so quiet
so peaceful
how can it be

all thise fights
and wars everywhere
quiet and peaceful
i want it to

let me be peaceful
let me stop
stop thinking
stop talking

let me sleep
in silence and peace
forget everything
all those problems

26 mei 2004 - meld ongepast verhaal
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Profielfoto van him_lover
him_lover, vrouw, 38 jaar
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