grown up

what does it mean ?
being grown up.

looking at the world is see grown ups being afraid like children
for monsters under their beds and in the closets
be it a terrorist here or a religious zealot there
they are scared like children, and act upon their fears, those grown ups.

voting is regarded as something for grown ups,
lets see how they vote

they vote for their own interests,
like kids they choose to vote for whom ever gives them their desires.

they vote for security,
like kids who are scared and unable to defend their own selfs against the boogy men

they vote for people who speak to their emotions,
like kids who favor one parent or teacher over the other because they are nice rather than their qualities.

they vote on one liners,
like kids with short attention spans.

grown ups tell kids not to lie,
but their whole life is one big lie.
for example, they work so they can enjoy the money earned in their spare time.
but work eats their spare time, and more money means more troubles of the mind, thus less spare time.
lets say they would work less, then they could RAISE their own kids rather than send them off to some day care or shitty school system.
no they rather spend time at work, then with their kids, rather have more money than time with their kids,
and some even want more time for them self rather than with their kids.
grown ups STINK of hypocrisy and egotistical desires.

they believe money can bring freedom.
but money is the opposite thereof ... read the bank note and find out,
money is the property of the central bank, thus it is not yours, you got something that belongs to
something else, thus you are in debt.
it is that simple.
debt means you are not free, you owe something or some one.

then there is that part where they vote for security.
security is a prison, because it demands you conform to a certain standard of living.
food security, one simple example,
we ask our government to secure the safety of our food, with rules and regulations, this was once voted on and kept in place ever since.
but is our food save do the rules and regulations secure us from faulty or dangerous produce ?
most say yes, because we got chicken farm shut downs and food recalls due to contaminates
but that is only a segment, a lie if you will, because our food is generally a concoction of chemicals
especially in the supermarkets and snackbars, one only has to read the label for ingredients
most things contain stuff like artificial flavors and artificial coloring
those things are chemicals approved by governments, only because in that specific dosages with in that product it is not deemed harmful yet you eat various products all containing those elements,
and that will FUCK YOU UP
grown ups lie to them selfs and ignore this, they believe the LIE of that healthy food label.
they believe they are protected, while they are not,

then there is this HUGE lie of terrorism
please tell me what terrorism is.

as we can see there is a problem here.
especially clear in the dutch version,
to have terrorism we need an act of violence or a serious threat thereof without LEGAL grounds to further a political or religious agenda often but not specifically targeted at civilians.
the problem lies in the word legal,
our legal system is forced upon us by the gun and by threat or use of force against the civilian population.
you see the problem ?
grown ups keep lying to yourself and think this is not happening.

a simple statistic done in the US shows more people in the US die from police violence than from terrorism within the USA, but grown ups are telling us terrorism is far more dangerous to us than the POLICE !

yet i have shown that the police is in fact a terrorist wing of a terrorist organization which forces us to conform to certain RULES AND LAWS they believe in.

you are to believe a book and a system will protect you from rape, murder, theft, organized crime, cartels, fraud, and lots more, even traffic accidents and violations.
but i can tell you, i have walked the streets with that rule book in hand or in a bag, and yet i was able to jaywalk and i was also met with violence, but this magical book and this magical believe others have did not protect me, or others.

you often hear grown ups talk,
about good deeds and charities
they hate child labor
but do have an i phone
they support cancer charity
and buy another plastic charm.
they hate war,
but vote for people and institutions that support it.
they love nature and fear global warming (another lie called climate)
but drive an electric car.

grown ups make me sick
just think about it
is this what grown ups should do as grown ups ?
or should they just grow up and face the fact they live a LIE !
they are not grown up, they are oversized children who are played by those who manipulate their childish emotions.
i thought grown up meant you left that childish shit behind of petty desires and emotions and got factual and reasonable with rationality and sober thought.

god did i lie to my self when i was a child ....
28 nov 2014 - meld ongepast verhaal
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