
I figured I'd try to write an entry in English, for once in my life. I truly enjoy reading some one the non-Dutch writers on MyDiary, and somehow always feel guilty for not sharing at least a tiny part of my life with them, as they share theirs with mine.

So yeah. Where to start? I wanted to write a long whiny story about the BF, but I think that one should be saved for later, and for a more private location. Instead, let me tell some things about myself in general. I have been locked up in the more private sections of my diary for so long now that I am pretty sure few remember me at all, let along know who I am, where I come from and where I hope to be going.

Hi. My name is Suzanna, though most of my friends and family call me Suuz. Actually, the only one who ever calls me Suzanna is my dad when he is angry or is trying to get his point across when we don't agree. Which, as I should add, doesn't happen very often. I'm 24 years old, and yes, that is in fact OLD. I think I'm a total screw up when it comes to my education - and really to my life in general - but let's not go there. It depresses me even more than getting old. After all, one of the only things worse than getting old is getting old without reaching the goals you set out for yourself in life.

Maybe life is just that, learning to accept that we will never reach our optimum. And maybe I have always set my goals too high. But I am on a tangent here.

Right, so I'm old, STILL haven't finished my bachelor, let alone my master, and I have a BF. The BF is called Tom by the way, and though I often complain about him I love him to death and hate the fact that we are currently separated for 10 days. We have been a couple for 4,5 years, and have been living together for well over a year now, which has had it's ups and downs. He has a lot of trouble finishing his thesis, and that frustrates me enormously. On top of that he games even more than I do - such a waste of time!

Cause yeah, I game. I used to be embarrassed to tell people it is not even a high tech fancy game, but a RP game based in early Renaissance England. There's mostly text to it. But I better get it out all at once, otherwise this would never be a proper introduction, now would it?

Oh, I am supposed to write a paper now. Writing papers is THE reason for me to come to MyDiary and write an entry. Just thought I'd let you know.

I'm fairly creative, as in, I read, write (RP, blogs, papers, but also fiction that nobody gets to read until I have found enough courage), draw (every once in a while) and I enjoy making music. I am not very patient with myself and too poor to take classes, hence I do not advance much, but I can play harp, piano and I recently (2 weeks ago) took up a guitar. I'm honestly enjoying that a lot, because it forces me out of my more rigid classical ways of thinking that I automatically do with my piano and my harp. (I haven't played the latter in a year by the way. It was the first instrument I learned, but I like the piano better because it is much more versatile.) I've been at it for at least an hour a day, and have the callouses to prove it. I am finally getting the barre chords down though. Yay for me!

I love horses, more specifically, Friesian horses. My parents have 11 of them (some are for sale unfortunately, as much as I'd want to we cannot keep them all) and I am a judge in training for the studbook. I also love France. I study French language and culture (in Utrecht, the Netherlands) and my parents live in France. I am visiting them as we speak - or as I type, whatever floats your boat. They have a late medieval house in the North-East of France.

Right. I should really be continuing on that paper. I might finish this in another story later on.
03 aug 2010 - meld ongepast verhaal
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PrankDemon, vrouw, 39 jaar
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