Hush, just go.
There you go.
You lost me.
Isn't that what you always wanted?
You were finally happy now,
you didn't need me any longer.
Fine, I'll just go.
One thing,
you dissappointed me.
Instead of taking responsability,
you runaway from your problems.
This isn't what I thought when I said 'bad ass'
Every memory, every thought,
I'll leave it behind.
I need you.
You don't need me.
And because I love you,
I'll leave you.
You know where to find me.
I see nothing in your eyes, and the more I see the less I like.
Is it over yet, in my head?
I know nothing of your kind, and I won't reveal your evil mind.
Is it over yet? I can't win.
So sacrifice yourself, and let me have what's left.
I know that I can find the fire in your eyes.
I'm going all the way, get away, please.
You take the breath right out of me.
You left a hole where my heart should be.
You got to fight just to make it through,
'cause I will be the death of you.
This will be all over soon.
Pour salt into the open wound.
Is it over yet? Let me in.
So sacrifice yourself, and let me have what's left.
I know that I can find the fire in your eyes.
I'm going all the way, get away, please.
You take the breath right out of me.
You left a hole where my heart should be.
You got to fight just to make it through,
'cause I will be the death of you.
I'm waiting, I'm praying, realize, start hating.
You take the breath right out of me.
You left a hole where my heart should be.
You got to fight just to make it through,
'cause I will be the death of you.
ps. thought you said, ''I will always be there for you, because I don'want to lose you.''
T H E O N L Y T H I N G I K N O W ,
A B O U T H O N E S T Y ,
I S E V E R Y L I E Y O U 'V E T O L D
T H A T I B E L I E V E D.
lauraCHAOS, vrouw, 32 jaar
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