that we live in a world where it's possible to send men to the moon
to make living things out of clogs and machinery
to mimic sunrise with chemicals
to pick apart the brain
to create and take away life
But we somehow can't make sure no one is hungry
that we can't stop children from feeling scared to go to bed
that we can't give adequate health care to everyone
Somehow mankind is too egoistic
Too much involved with itself
The rich won't give money to the poor
to people who don't have a roof over their head
And they sit in their ridiculously big houses
With fridges filled with foods and beverages they don't need
Complaining about a new tax measure
About the man rummaging around in the garbage
That they were hassled by a homeless person trying to get something to eat
We live in a world where people think that 1500 euros isn't much to earn
That having a roof over your head and food in your stomach doesn't mean you're wealthy
Where having money equals power, and you get nowhere with wisdom and kindness
It sickens me and it befuddles me
I don't understand
Sometimes I feel I was born in the wrong timeframe
Because this world doesn't fit my ideas with how it should look like
My mother was diagnosed with breastcancer. Because of this, if she'd be fired, she wouldn't be able to get another job. She would be a risk, because it could come back. And imagine, then a company would lose money. Money they earn in loads anyway. No matter that she's a mother, my mother, someone who works hard and does her work well, who is in a right state of mind, positive, strong, kind, someone who doesn't complain much. Yet, they'd prefer someone with a lousy attitude over her, just because she suffered from a possible life-threatening disease.
Same thing if you're fat. It's harder to get a job. Why? Because you're, again, a health risc. Never mind that being fat alone doesn't increase your risk of having a heart attack. It's the cholesterol. But does anyone care? No.
Why do these things exist if the Western world calls itself 'civilized'? We earn too much money and all we do with it is spoil ourselves with things we do not need. I am also guilty of that. I'm a hypocrite. But I don't understand why there are people earning a million euro's every year, while on the other side of town people are trying to get by with 800 euro's or less, and not one of those people say... OK, I'm earning so much money I don't really need, why don't I give something away?
In America, people die every day because they can't afford the healthcare they need. I fear that is where it's going here too. And I don't understand why people support political parties that want to give more money to the already shamefully rich, and take away money from the poor.
Getting good schooling is a right, for everybody. Or so it should be. Call me a pessimist, but it might not be the case in the future. If you've got enough money you can get all the diploma's you need, but when you're brilliant and are poor, you can just rot for all they care.
This world makes me mad.

And I can't do anything about it, because apparently, no one realizes. Or it has come to be that no one cares anymore. It's just the way it is, and you should accept it, they say. No need to work yourself up about it.
No one will read this anyway. But let me know what you think.