I wanna sink

I wanna sink
till the end of the world
down and down
I can't stop
even if I try

looking under me
nothing but dark
wanna sink into it
never come back
live in darkness

nobody can see me
I wanna cry
as long as I can
nobody can hear me
hide in the dark

forget my life
never thinking again
living in the dark
listening to sounds
from above me

thinking how it went
how I hated my life
staying in the dark
forget the hate
hiding in the dark

will it ever happen
that I can sink away
nobody sees me
sinking till dark
02 jun 2004 - bewerkt op 06 feb 2004 - meld ongepast verhaal
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Profielfoto van him_lover
him_lover, vrouw, 38 jaar
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