- Go to google images
- Search up your answers
- Pick one image from the first page
- And post
1. the age you will be on your next birthday
2. a place you would like to travel
3. your favorite place
http://www.mydiary.nl/schrijven.asp6. your favorit animal
4. your favorite object
5. your favorite food
6. your favorit animal
Nog 3 weken dan heb ik er 2
7. your favorite colour
8. the town in which you were born
9. the town in which you live
10. the name of a past pet
sorry kan er niks aan doen dat mijn goudvis Kim heette11. your nickname/ screenname
12. your first name
13. your middle name
14. your last name
15. a bad habbit of yours
16. Your first job
17. Your job now
18. your grandmothers name
19. your grandfathers name