jb5GS Is It Possible For a non-Indian reservation-

TEACHER TO “position herself as a learner, and in a way students and parents can tell.” The last word doesn’t only mean apprehending, discerning the position the teacher has reached; it also suggests a renewed ability on the part of the Kashaya students and teachers to speak, to tell their stories in a new way, something the entire essay has been about. The implicit double meaning of “TELL” resonates with the interpretation of the Old English READAN as implying both the giving of ORAL COUNSEL and a COMPREHENSION OF RUNIC SYMBOLS, and also with the remark that in Old English the word “TELL” itself meant bóth “TO COUNT” & “TO NARRATE!” [Vandaar ook ‘tellen’ als in schrijven, lezen, begrijpen, gebruiken/verhalen, achterhalen, betekenen, impliceren, verstaan, aanduiden/verduidelijken!] Thus there are many such points of contact evident in the different situations described in our ‘essays’, “entries”: between GS’s struggling Kashaya Pomo readers & NH’s struggling Anglo-Saxons; among description of the interaction of rewriting & rereading in the structure of The Tale of Genji, reports of the reoralization & retranscription of a native history, our own discussion of Talmudic commentary; an account of the increasing association of ephemeral reading with the frivolous female body, & emphasis on the disembodied authority of the colonial writ as opposed to the integrated rituals by which native communities marked land claims; discussion of the contrasting pair al-Kitab (the Book) Miqra, which he glosses as “READING”; or again, between both using classical Róme as contrasting backdrop. Kortom: ons primitief & modern gebruik van taal & teken, vertaling & tradities; ‘n effectief ‘magic/mystical’ mengsel van de semitische talen, Grieks, Latijns, Hindi/Urdu, Keltisch, dialect, schildering, kunst, Ivriet, universele trade - handel, gemeenschappelijke migrantenstromen, wereldwijde ‘happenings’, crumbling corona’s, royal crowns, keurmerken & de integraties via/via van alle humane ontdekkingsreizen, wetenschappelijke exploraties & artistieke illustraties?! In other words: ‘hit the road, Jack’ & ‘lover come back to me’ in One Rap, to wrap it all up, let it all hang out, suck it to me, Baby, in ‘n Groen Knollenland tussen neus & lippen...

12 mrt 2020 - bewerkt op 13 mrt 2020 - meld ongepast verhaal
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