Kittens and my father-the stressors continue

So my dad was supposed to go into surgery on the 25th to get an implant in his back to lessen the pain he feels. They called two days ago and asked if he could come have it done tomorrow instead. So yesterday my dad goes into surgery while I am at work. Surgery went great but now he is in so much pain that he cannot walk and he is stoned off his butt with pain killers. I had to stay home from work in order to take care of him. My husband stayed home as well because he is the only one who can lift him. as of right now he is trying to play a video game that he almost beat once and can hardly play because he cant find the buttons on the controller because of how drugged up he is. AND the surgery wont be complete for another week because they have to turn on the implant but he had to heal first.

Now... on the same day that dads schedule was moved up my cat decided that she did not want to take care of, feed, or be near her kittens. If we forced her to be near them then she kicked, bit, hissed or scratched them. (I am assuming because my nephew brought over a friend who played with them for an hour and the mom does not like the smell left on them) I tried bathing them, and even rubbing them on her but she will not take them back.

So me and my husband went and bought kitty formula and I am there stand-in mother. I feed them, wash them with a rag like a mother cats tongue, and even have to get them to pee/poo by rubbing them with a rag. ( baby kittens cannot go on there own, they need the mother to stimulate the muscles. And my husband lays with them to get them to sleep.

They have to eat every couple of hours and need to be cleaned every other time and with that and dad sitting I am soooooo exhausted... and I am scared to go to work tomorrow because my husband is terrible at feeding the kittens and I have an 9 hour shift x.x

And... I miss my co-worker and am beginning to realize how lame I am, as I now have virtually not friends x.x....
11 okt 2012 - meld ongepast verhaal
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Rein16, vrouw, 33 jaar
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