
zou je me een rot schop geven ?
damn al zou je me in elkaar trappen
graag zelfs

iets ondernemen ?
wat ?
er is zo weinig dat ik kan doen
zeker voor mezelf.

*would you be angry if,
i lose it ?
i would give in to the monster

just for the info
i am sick now, weak and tired
i've been up and running to save others
save others and destroy me in the proces

shaking on my seat
trembling, walking like there is only half of me or less
like all the ground i stand on is quick sand
waving all around me
falling apart

should i do something ?
should i undertake action
and what, What can i do
i don't know anymore
i'd love to die now
give up, throw in the towel
lay down what weapons i got
as if i got any
i am too weak to pick them up

i am just waiting for them to kill me off
but they rather see me wither away slow and painfully
who are they ?
i ask myself the same question
there is no they, it's all in my head

why can't they be real, and kill me


ik zou het fijn vinden als je me een rot trap verkocht en me zou dwingen iets te ondernemen
me naar buiten sleurde en me stoel onder me vandaan zou schoppen

ik denk alleen niet dat ik t waard ben
ik ben nutteloos
uit de tijd niet van vandaag

*i loved the dream that i had
loved to learn you fly
but i can't fly myself no longer

i've been burned once to often to recover
but if you have got the cure
get me back up on my feet
and release the monster they fear
release me from my bondage
and i will fly once more

just for you to know
21 okt 2006 - meld ongepast verhaal
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Profielfoto van mahakala
mahakala, man, 47 jaar
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