A - Age: 27
B - Book you are reading: Rotte Vis - Een cursus effectief beledigen (Propria Cures bloemlezing)
C - Chore you hate: Cleaning the windows. Any volunteers?
D - Dessert you love: Tiramisu, and about anything with dark chocolate in it.
E - Essential start your day item: Dog! I start my day by doing the laundry, using the loo, snuggling my dog and walking her for a few minutes. Then I feed her and after that it's my turn to be fed.
F - Favorite author/ book: GAWD, this question is way too hard. J.K. Rowling. C.S. Lewis, Annie M.G. Schmidt? I have so much (but it's always the children's book authors that spring to mind.)
G - Good Boys or bad boys: (book character preference) Bad boys all the way for me. ^^
H - Hair colour: Dark blonde (but you'd probably call me a brunette).
I - Inside or outside: Outside!
J - Job or Occupation: None at the moment, and loving every second of it.
K - Kittens or puppies: Puppies? PUPPIES?! GIMME THEM PUPPIES!!!
L - Last thing you lost: My phone. Took me like 20 minutes to find out it was hiding out in the sleeve of my coat (I hear you think:
Huh? Can't blame you really, I thought the same thing.)
M - Most overused word/phrase in your vocabulary: I have no idea. I'll start paying attention to myself.
N - Nicknames: Suuz, San, PD, Zaza, Smurfinnetje (thanks mom! -_-'

O - Object on the right of you: My phone.
P - Pets: Tessa (dog) and my chicks: Big, Uil, Aap and Fret.
Q - Quotes you like: Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much. (Oscar Wilde)
R - Right or left handed: Right.
S - Siblings: Yup, one lovely brother.
T - Time you woke up today: Around 8ish.
U - Unique thing about you: I like to sing in my car. I usually drive alone, but whenever I have passengers I tend to forget them and start singing anyway.
V - Vegetable you love: Broccoli!
W - Worst habit: Picking my nose in public. (But then again... my nose is always clean, gheghe.)
X - X-rays you've had: I have no idea.
Y - Yummy food you make: Surinam roti!
Z - Zodiac Sign: Ehm... Capricorn... I think...