My loved one is so far away
And yet he's so near
All i can say now...
Is that i really miss him
And everything i see or do
Reminds me off him..
I love him and i need him
But i really miss him
He's somewhere i can't reach him
He's too far to see
He's too far to touch
I only can hear his voice
And that's nice..
But i want more
I want to spend the nights with him
I want to lie next to him
I want to wake up and see him in the morning
But that's not an option now
And that's what i'm sad about
Cus he's so far away...
And i'm here writing this in my room
It hurts too miss him
But i'm happy and relieved when i see him again
Than i will never let him go!
I will push him to my body
And hug him and never letting go
And that's what im going to do when i see him
And i can't describe how much i miss him
I just can't and now
This is the end...
Not the end of my life
Not the end of my love
But the end of this poem
