modern day terrorists

we all know the names
una bomber
timothy mc veigh
osama bin laden

and any one who dissents....

let me start with the una bomber
most people don't know the facts,
simple fact, the una bomber was a CIA operative and university professor
he worked in the mind control department of the cia while being a professor
he found out what he was working on because not only did he work on the cia project, he was part of the experiment
once he found out while that project he was part of had ended and he was working on the sequal
he knew that all he had been through had purpose
purpose is an action with intent, and he knew the intent because he been in the project him self.
at that moment he went out
off the grid knowing what it would lead to
he gathered information and wrote
he wrote to deaf ears and blind eyes
thus he fell to hard actions, because he knew nothing else would work and ring any bells.

his methods were harsh, but once you find out what he found out, would you not do something similar
how would you know you would not be pushed like that after what he went through ?

do some research before denouncing his views actions and methods !

timothy mc veigh
a gulf war vet
a militia soldier
some argue that he was racist, but who cares ? are you pure for denouncing that believe ?
he had to cope with friends dying from gulf war syndrome and suicides
he had to deal with the limitations on militia's
he saw what was there when waco took place (41 children burned alive by government forces for no reason at all)
some say he was an CIA asset but then again, look at the story, it does not matter
what he had seen and been through, would you be able to do any thing else ?
if you had any feelings for humanity you would know you do what your heart tells you to do.
and this is what his heart felt to be the action to be taken.

look in to the true history and story behind this guy and see all sides of the story

osama bin laden
a mudjihadeen a warrior for Allah
after his rich life and study he went to afghanistan to oust the russians
he got funds and weapons from the CIA
he also had a promise given to him
"we will help the afghans to restructure and rebuild afghanistan"
but nothing was done, they fell in a civil war.
when saddam hussain invaded quait he offered to fight the invasion with his now private army
his offer was denied, and none of the reasons of the offer were listened to
this led to a spiraling effect of violent actions
call it terror, but when you know the whole story it can also be seen as a true resistance.

very important for you all is to note the CIA involvement in all these guys lives
remember that this all is written from a point of view of all people acting from a perception of doing the just thing
and notice that all have a religious background though not noted in my words, but you'll see if you dare to do some research.
they all loved their god and believed they did the just thing at one moment in their lives.

whether the mentioned "terrorists" are good or evil, i care less about that
what i care about is the story and motivation
look at those motivations and question yourself
what would you do if you had the means and information these guys had
what would you do if you lost friends family and all you hold dear
what would you do ?
surrender like you do now ?
or would you do the just thing for a just cause ?

there is a saying,
"let god sort them out"
killing a man is not a judgement but a means to let it be sorted by god.
please remember that we humans are not entitled to judge when believing in god
so their actions are in that sense just.

this again is not my opinion, mere a manner of looking at things that define life as we know it.
because of these people because they are people whether you like it or not, the world is how it is at the moment
and people have a tendency to misinterpret true intentions.

for the love of humanity, do not judge that what you have no knowledge of.
never call one a terrorist without empathy or sympathy for all.

right now for writing this,
i can be considered a terrorist because i do not condemn these people because the state says i should
at the cost of denial of civil liberties.
this is no joke !

but then again did you pay attention when Palestinians were celebrating after 911 ?
did you not pay attention when a soldier was forced to resign after he doubted the true intentions publicly
when in service in the dutch army ?
did you not pay attention with the patriot act, patriot act 2, hr1955, lisbon treaty,
and several local treaties and new revised or amended laws.

did you pay attention ?

for the love of humanity, go and inform your self before you are the next terrorist because you are friends with the other guy.
16 okt 2008 - meld ongepast verhaal
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