my cringe worthy moments

So i'm sitting down eating cereal when i remembered this time when i was in social studies' class (A term ago) and the class was discussing a topic and we somehow ended up trading stories.And i think' you know what i'm going to raise my hand' ,(i rarely do this) and i do it and my teacher chooses me and i say some story that sounded incredibly funny in my head and no one talks or makes a sound and my teacher just stares at me along with everyone else and she then w breaks the silence by saying "i don't get it ." and i slowly get back into my seat and some girl says some joke and everyone braks into laughter and my face is so red and hot and i'm dying on the inside
this other time me and my group of friends were talking to my crush (they knew him i did not) so he's telling them this story.And then they decided that they were going to get something to eat.I don't know why i didn't tag along with them.So then i'm left sitting next to him alone .and he continues his story but then stops when he sees me and turns away and starts talking to someone else. and i felt a mixture of embarassment and a little rejected,but whatever.I guess he couldn't stand my awesomeness...blozen anyways he ended up moving to ireland.

I went to this poetry slam in my school and the hot twins sat in front of me, my friend is dating one( the other is free) .So she sat with him.And i love poetry so i tend to get excited and get up from my seat and clap and shout and what not. So a friend of the twin kept taking pictures and one of them caught me .I looked horrible,(according to my friend it looks like i was in the middle of a sneezing and suddenly got possesed) so the twins and all their friends were in the front seat so all of them got tagged in it.And people were commenting about and i try not to rip out my hair and scream in frustration everytime i get a notification that another person has commented on it
But i guess after a while i will look back and be like well actually that moment wasn't so bad,i was over reacting. I would love to hear if any of you have embarassing moments that can top these.blozen
11 apr 2013 - bewerkt op 11 apr 2013 - meld ongepast verhaal
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Profielfoto van angelkissj
angelkissj, vrouw, 24 jaar
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