My thoughts
To many happy people in their perfect, happy world...
I look at them and with tears in my eyes i ask myself, why can't I be like that...
What did i ever do wrong to deserve this?? Who's shins did i kick?? I never played with anybody's feet, on the contrary I've bin played with...
One kiss, her hands, gently rubbing my skin...
It meant nothing, never did, never will be...
Fuck the world and it's inhabitants...
Fuck the big ones, who've lost an eye for all the problems of us, who are living to work to stay alive...
I did make her cry once, but i'll never do that again...
I'll be the shoulder she needs to cry on if she wants...
I'll be a friend, not more...
I love her to death, no, wait, i love them to death...
Fuck the world i'm getting out of here...
Prince-_-, man, 37 jaar
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